Random Thoughts In A New Year

Happy belated New Year! (NOT New Years. That would be year in a plural form. I will step down from my soap box now.) I always hope when the clock strikes midnight and the calendar turns to a brand new 365, or in the case of 2016 , brand new 366, I will feel a renewed energy. I hope I will want to eat better, be nicer, finally clean out the basement storage, and write a novel.

Well folks, we are six days in and I still feel like the Cassie of 2015 and that’s not a bad thing. I had baked salmon for dinner last night so I’m pretty much a healthy eating rock star. Then I drank half of a Pepsi at 9 p.m. and returned to reality. My reality is also not a bad thing. I think resolutions, challenges, positive changes in behavior are wonderful things. I just need to accept that my personality isn’t suited for such endeavors right now.

This year and every year until I kick the bucket, I want to be present for the moments in life that are important. For example, dates with my husband on his day off. Sorry, on that day I’m not available for meetings, 14 loads of laundry, or volunteering at my kids’ school. I want to appreciate that I can be home every day after school to help my youngest with her math homework. I hate math but she doesn’t need to know. I need to hang out with people my own age from time to time. I want to cook dinner each night for my family. I want to blog a few times a week. I want to keep exercising so I can wear leggings and yoga pants.

I hope you are doing what you want and need for yourself in this new year. And I hope at least some of it is fun!

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