My Favorite Coach

I have zero athletic ability. My husband was a star basketball player in high school. I would say opposites attract but I have always loved basketball. He has channeled his love for the game into coaching and I just like to yell at referees. (I’m sort of joking.)

Stephen coached freshman boys for several years and then took a couple of years off. Two of our daughters wanted to play and their dad was pumped to be their coach. I think that number is down to one daughter but we shall see.

This year Dr. Coach is coaching the high school freshman girls but the majority of his team is comprised of 7th and 8th graders. They are young and have won one game so far. But they are improving and playing harder each week. Stephen is a great coach. He takes it very seriously but he does not yell or demean. He instructs and encourages. I’m proud of the hard work Stephen puts in each week and I hope the girls know how lucky they are to have him in their lives right now.

Sometimes we joke around that Stephen should quit being a doctor and coach full-time. But then I remind him that we have a mortgage, several more years of braces, and enjoy food on the table. I guess I will continue to yell encouraging things during games like, “It’s okay to get a technical!” If any of our daughters decide to play basketball in the future, their dad will be ready. Their mom will be thankful it’s a family affair.

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